Damn folks,

there's too much M$-itis going on. Why does almost anyone in here believes 
that Formatting and reinstalling will solve you problems ?
They eventually will - but if you didn't understand the source of the 
issue - it won't work. Also - understanding what is happeneing will spare 
you hours next time :)

Anne - could you give a exact explanation of your drives ? By that, I 
mean, how many disks are in there - best would be a dmesg-grep.
Short after boot, make a:
dmesg | egrep "hd|dev"

Or if you have huge uptimes - go to the /var/log directory and issue a:
egrep "hd|dev" dmesg 

and post it here. Another thing you need to specify us - are the boot 
drives. We then can recreate you a lilo.conf file you could try.
Also - please repost you actual lilo.conf.

Note - lilo will not break anything on your system if you reinstall it. If 
you want to backup the last master-boot record, just issue a:

dd if=/dev/<boot disk> of=bootsector.raw bs=512 count=1

If you need to recover your old bootsector - use:
dd if=bootsector.raw of=/dev/<boot disk>

while the bootisk is most probably hda. Can be something else too.
Note - this also works for saving the MBR.

And - as long as you folks do not touch the partition tables - nothing of 
your data is lost.

Regarding ATA100. I don't know of a drive yet that really needs the 
bandwidth ATA100 provides. Most drives have still a very good throughput 
wth ATA33, while ATA66 is not maxed with actual drives. S - the importand 
stuff IMHO with harddisks is to have the DMA mode active, and if you don't 
want your mouse to jump over the screen while having big data transfers on 
your disk - activate the unmask IRQ options using hdparm. on my server, 
that's what I use;
/sbin/hdparm -d 1 -W 1 -k 1 -c 1 -m 16 /dev/hda

you might want to check the hdparm manpages to know the exact meaning of 
the flags.

which results in:
        LBA, IORDY(cannot be disabled)
        Buffer size: 1945.0kB   ECC bytes: 4    Queue depth: 1
        Standby timer values: spec'd by standard, no device specific 
        r/w multiple sector transfer: Max = 16  Current = 16
        DMA: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 *udma4 udma5
             Cycle time: min=120ns recommended=120ns
        PIO: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4
             Cycle time: no flow control=120ns  IORDY flow control=120ns

and Timed buffered reads do come out with:
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  2.11 seconds = 30.31 MB/sec

which even ATA33 would handle fine.

Regarding moving disks around. All you need to keep in mind - is that you 
then need to adapt your /etc/fstab with the corrected values. For this - I 
usually boot off of Knopix (Live FS Distribution), mount the 
root-partition of existing Mandrake dist. and modify the device names 

means - in your case - you had to modify all /dev/hdbX instances to 
/dev/hdc instances and you would have been fine. Of course - you need to 
make sure to check your CMOS settings. Many people I know do turn of the 
secondary Port to save Interrupts. So - if you do not see the drive 2 at 
all while booting up - that's most probably what happened.

OK - I hope I have not been too long here - but this thread could be 
solved soo fast ;o)



On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, Dave Laird wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Good afternoon, Anne...
> I've been avidly following this discussion regarding ATA100 drives because I
> saw something quite akin to that just last week. I formatted and installed
> two ATA100 drives, both on the primary cable as Master/Slave, and did a
> bunch of other install configuration thingees. About an hour later, I
> decided in a rash moment of heat, to put one drive as primary/master and one
> drive as secondary/master. The second drive disappeared. Since I really
> didn't have the time to figure it out, I put them back where they were
> formatted and all was well. Several attempts resulted in the same findings
> and finally I put the case on it and all was well. 
> That day there simply wasn't enough time. <sigh> 
> On Tuesday 11 March 2003 01:57 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > I hate not knowing what has caused this.
> Me too. 8-( 
> Dave
> - -- 
> Dave Laird ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project 
> Web Page:   http://www.kharma.net updated 03/05/2003
> Usenet News server: news.kharma.net
> Musicians Calendar and Database access: http://www.kharma.net/calendar.html
> An automatic & random thought For the Minute:    
> Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when you have two,
> opulence is when you have three -- and paradise is when you have none.
>               -- Doug Larson
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