On Wednesday 12 March 2003 02:54 pm, Todd Lyons wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 07:12:38PM -0500 
> > Hi, Todd Thank you for your explanation for the modem.
> >
> > I tried to do it, but I could not make it. MDK9.0 does not recognize the
> > modem after installing ltmodem-kv_2.4.19_16mdk-8.26a9-1.i586.rpm. When I
> > tried to get on web using kppp, kppp was trying to initialize the modem,
> > but it won't proceed further....My LT Win modem is probably very special.
> > I am very annoyed with the modem...
> Post the results of lsmod (be root to run it).  Also run 'updatedb'
> (takes awhile) and then post the results of 'locate lt_'.  Then post the
> results of 'uname -r'.

Just to let you know, I have 9.0 installed on my IBM Thinkpad with winmodem 
and the linmodem driver works (mostly) OK.  I have never seen/used the rpm 
you mention but have always built and installed from tarball.  

As for "mostly" works, it works fine unless I stick in a pcmcia nic card 
(don't know yet about wlan card but imagine it is the same). If I do this 
then they system locks up - some irq conflict that I have never been able to 
fix by any means.  This is a specialized use of a nic and modem but just in 
case you seek to connection-share, you MIGHT run into a similar problem.


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