On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, et wrote:

> there are/were a bunch of different pinouts for that connection, best to get
> with the MObo book to check pinouts. or go ahead and frie the box t see if it
> works, adn get back with us about it...

Well, I did something like that in old mobo with a different pin layout.
Using manual, electronic schemes and a multimeter.  That worked out.

I'm really thinking about doing that again and believe it will work again.

If so, I'll let you all know about it.  I was just wondering if someone
else had tried it yet.


Alan Wilter S. da Silva
 Laboratório de Física Biológica
  Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
   Universidade do Brasil/UFRJ
    Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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