To copy directories and files keeping ownership and permissions, etc the
same, use the following:

tar cf - <dir> | (cd <path to new location>;tar xf -)

Do this as root.


On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 04:28, Christopher Joseph wrote:
> First apologies. I have had some problems getting the search function on 
> the mail archives to function properly this morning so I have not been 
> able to trawl for past questions regarding the same topic properly.
> The problem:
> I have bought a new 80 Gb ATA133 Hard disk for my desktop running 
> mandrake linux. I would like to migrate some of the partions on the 
> existing disk to the new disk and then 'grow' the remaining partitions 
> to fill the original disk.
> I tried moving /home, /usr and /var on to the new disk by simply using 
> SU on konqueror and simply copying the files accross. I them altered 
> /etc/fstab to mount the new partitions at reboot.
> BUT - the copy process changed a lot of permissions and all kinds of 
> things have errored
> Like:
> opening emacs I couldn't save back to my emacs preferences because the 
> .emacs... file had been chmodded as part of the copy process.
> or
> any number of services failed to shutdown or start despite there being 
> no failures in the copy process. Again probably down to permissions.
> The Question:
> How should I migrate partions (/var, /usr, /home) onto the new disk and 
> grow the remaining ones (/, SWAP).
> Thanks in advance.
> -- 
> Christopher Joseph
> -------------------
>  [iseries & web technologies]
> ICQ: 78019724
> ----

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