Hi everyone.  I recently upgraded a server running 8.1 to 9.1.  One of the big problems that I am now experiencing is that when the system tries to start postfix I get the error message:

postfix: fatal: bad numerical configuration: debug_peer_level = 2? PATH=/usr.bin:/usr/X11R6/bin?xxgdb /usr/lib/postfix/ & sleep 5

I get the same error message when I try to evoke postalias, newaliases, &c.  Any suggestions would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


Christopher G. Kolar
   Coordinator of Information and Technology Integration
   Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar --  PGP Public Key ID: 0xC6492C72
        Information literacy news, tools, and programs: [EMAIL PROTECTED]edu

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