I had several crashes using Mdk-9.1 under X-Windows.
Having reacted fast enough once - I saw the X-Server was running Amok, e.g. using loads of Memory. Usually - the X-Server uses 180MBytes of Virtual memory, and 55Mbytes of Resident RAM.
This Time, just before the System was completely unreactive - I had 401MBytes of Resident Ram, and 1.1GBytes of Virtual Memory - which is quite unusual. Ok - 10secs later I had no chance in doing a thing ;)
I never had this beheaviour under Mdk-9.0, even with all my un-Mdk packages installed and self-patched stuff.
Under X I do use the Cursor extension, using Silver as default Mouse-Pinters etc. Default resolution I use is the 1280x1024x32bpp (60Hz, as a TFT connected using the Digital Link).
Here my Hardware: - Asus A7N8X Delux (Using the 3com Network Port, and Onboard Sound + USB, Firewire drivers loaded though) - 2x256MBytes Ram - 1x30GB+1x40GByte E-IDE Harddrives, running in UDMA-2 mode (Don't know if enable idebus=66 is safe. Havn tried it yet). - 1 Geforce 3 Ti500 (Hercules) with 64MBytes Ram - using the DVI Port. - 1 Eizo L465TFT Black screen (*A beauty :)*)
The Used Software: - Mdk-9.1 - NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123, NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-3123 self compiled kernel-module (The never drivers have the so=caled Black-Display Syndrom, sent a Mail to NVIdia with a detailed Bug-Report though - the System does not Hardlock, it takes only 30Minutes to passes a certain probing stage in the X-Drivers extension while locking all interrupts). - Kernels used (This time not self-compiled) kernel- and kernel-multimedia- - The Rest is a Fresh install, having had some Plf/Texstar packages for Xine/mplayer & Multimedia stuff.
PS: Has anyone gotten the Rear Sattellites, LFE/Center speakers to activate using the alsa-Drivers ? They seem to recognise everything - but I am unable so far to activate these :)
Thx for any hints & to take this as a Bug report :)
Joerg -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Joerg Mertin : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Home)| | in Neuchâtel/Schweiz : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Work)| | Stardust's LiNUX System : | | PGP 2.6.3in Key on Demand : Voice & Fax: +41(0)32 / 725 52 54 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Home-Page: http://www.solsys.org
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