Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 13:32, Brian V Bonini wrote:

On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 12:52, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

Also, before you move to 9.1, I suggest you review your reasons for
doing so. Are you looking for a more stable production environment or
are you curious and just have alot of time to analyze 9.1.

Are you saying 9.0 is more stable?

Look, I'm in a real tough position here.  First, I am and always have
been a supporter of Mandrake.  I think they (as an entity) have more
potential than any other distro company I've seen; in general, history
has shown that the features of the Mandrake distro are just ahead of the
game, in nearly all respects.

Agreed. After trying out each of the major "desktop oriented" distros over the years, Mandrake has always stood out above the rest.

I don't want to say this, but I have to say it because it is the truth. For users of 8.2 or maybe even 9.0 there is no cogent reason to upgrade
to 9.1, if you are seeking a stable production system. The reasons I
say this are myriad, but I'll cut it down to three or four. One, there
was not enough manpower focused on 9.1 to release it as an improved
distro over 9.0 or 8.2. This is demonstrable (at least on my system,
which *has not changed* since LM82) because LM91 crashes and/or locks
up, probably about an average of once per day. (It is also slower.) 30
minutes ago I was examining email, with no unusual activity going on,
and XFree vaporized for no reason that I could discern, taking several
smaller apps with it to their doom. That's just today. I won't say
that LM82 never failed me at all, but I will say that I have a very
strong memory of LM82 being about as stable as the crust of the planet
Mars. Plus, it was faster.

I have not had this experience. I found that 8.1, 8.2, and 9.1 were all equally stable. I also found that 8.2 was faster than 8.1, and by the time I got to 9.1 I had also upgraded my hardware, so I no longer had a valid basis for comparison (although it performs as good as RH 8.0 on the new system).

Second, it's been noted that there does not seem to be a formally
presented system for production distro bugs or problems.  Prior to the
advent of 9.1 this was not a major issue, primarily because (IMO) the
releases were so pristine that there was not a major need for one.  The
fact that there has been extensive discussion lately for a report route
for production bug reports should be telling.

Even bugzilla would be useful. I'm not aware of anything available to registered (or otherwise) users.

[snip remaining, as I did not participate in the voting]

I will say this: the main reasons I moved from 8.2 to 9.1 (skipped 9.0) were these:
1. Updated software.
2. Eye candy, especially anti-aliased fonts.

I could have even done without updated software, but the truth is, the anti-aliased fonts were worth it to me to upgrade.

Also, since the question (I think) was originally about upgrading vs. a clean install, I would say do a clean install.

Dave Sherman
"Windows NT was supposed to hit Unix hard (it did - like a bug hitting a windshield)...."
- Andrew Grygus,

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