Thank you for your answer and explainations.
It think the problem harder than it looked like to me.

I told XML, cause it is universal, but anything easy to manipulate and
transform could be fine.
My problem is how to manage hundred and hundred email I need to archive and
access quickly, and how to convert old outlook archives to the best format I
can do (fast and compact). Mbox or Mail and tar/gzip could be what I'm
looking for ;-)
The Kmail converter crashes when I want to convert these old archives.

I 'll try grepmail (time for me to learn a bit of perl).

> Not likely -- XML would not be a good fit. XML is a great solution for
> getting structured data out of one system into another system, because
> it allows you to define the meta data attributes right there with the
> raw data. XML is a lousy solution for storing unstructured data that you
> don't intend to send to a foreign system. Email has some loose structure
> in the header, but the part you probably care about, body and
> attachments, has practically no structure at all and can only be
> indexed/searched with brute force. Since it'll be brute forced any way,
> why add the bulk of XML?
> Using a SQL database might make a little more sense, until you start to
> think about how to build the tables and realize that this is putting raw
> data into a system designed to hold meta data. Now building a SQL
> database that indexes the meta data and spits out pointers to the raw
> data would make more sense, if you can think of a way to extract useful
> meta data from body and attachments without just throwing the whole
> damned mess into the database.
> There are two solutions that make sense to me:
> 1) leave everything in plain text mbox or maildir on a hard disk. When
> you want to find something, use Unix tools. For instance,
> #!/bin/sh
> # This is a wrapper to the grepmail Perl script which searches mail.
> # The wrapper will take regexp from the commandline, recurse through
> # a mail folder, then put the results into a new box: "results.$TERM".
> # If no parameters, show proper usage and fail.
> if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
>         echo "Usage: grepmymail \"singleterm\""
>         echo "Usage: grepmymail \"(1term|2terms|3terms)\""
>         exit 2
> fi
> # Options: -R is recursive, -m adds a header line showing the mailbox
> # the message was found in, -M skips MIME attachments, and -b searches
> # bodies, not headers.
> for TERM in $1; do
>         grepmail -RmMb $TERM $HOME/mail > /tmp/results.$TERM
>         mv /tmp/results.$TERM $HOME/mail/
> done
> 2) Use Evolution and create vfolders when you want to look for
> something. Note that these are not mutually exclusive as Evolution keeps
> everything in plain text formats any way.
> Jack
> On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:28, Stephlub wrote:
> > is anybody can help me?
> > > ...and about an xml converter
> > > mbox2xml maildir2xml anyproprietary2xml
> > > (mailxml2mbox mailxml2maildir mailxml2sql...)
> > >
> > > 1 I think it very useful: convert and archive mail with xml for
> > > reasons, from kmail
> > > 2 less important: make kmail (and others) able to read this xml
> > >
> > > this could be wery interesting for sorting cataloging and fist:
> > > and have best access to archives
> > > I can't figure out how to archive my emails and access it like with a
> > > Just make a small search seems to be impossible with kmail to me.
> > > I used outlook and even if it's hard to manage archives, i could do
> > > recursive search for mail of 2 years old... further true db management
> > could
> > > be great!
> > >
> > > This feature could exists yet. Just tell me.
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Jack Coates
> Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...


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