On 15 Jun 2003 14:12:07 -0700 James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Since valuable info like this needs to be captured.... I started a new
> section in the HowTo's on the Twiki... called Tips and Tricks.  It's at 
> http://mandrake.vmlinuz.ca/bin/view/Main/TipsAndTricks
> With the object of allowing anyone who sees something they think is
> really neat and or usefull to put it in the twiki, The idea is that
> sometimes our "suggestions" result in a fix that is really a combination
> of suggestions.  If this happens it would be real nice to capture.  I'm
> hoping by setting it up ... then doing it a little myself to promote
> more people to put what worked in a place it can be researched.
> James

Hope my additions/stucture are useful...  just a start...

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