On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 18:16, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> On Monday 14 July 2003 07:41 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > On Monday 14 July 2003 05:53 pm, AAW wrote:
> > > On Wednesday 16 July 2003 05:28 am, Colin Close wrote:
> > > > Can someone on the list mail me as to the status of the server I have
> > > > had no posts for two days now.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks
> > > >
> > > >         Colin Close
> > >
> > > Must be the server. Aside from cooker changelog notices, yours is the
> > > first post I've seen in this list or in the cooker list since 7-11.
> >
> > It was Bastille Day today in France, so it could have been a crash that no
> > one was around to notice (unlikely since Linux doesn't crash :-p) or the
> > list was shut down for the weekend on purpose.
> Well, if it was a server crash, it's one hell of an ad for a software company, 
> isn't it? Three days to get it back up is two days and twenty hours too long. 
> OTOH, if it was intentional, what's wrong with a little warning?
> This is the third outage in the last six weeks, and there were two others 
> earlier this year. I'm starting to feel like the Peter Finch character in the 
> movie Network. The last two times I've posted to the Offtopic area in the 
> Mandrake Club forum. Total responses: Zilch, nada, zero, aught, naught, 
> cipher, zip, nil, nothing, goose egg.
> Let's see now: "We're getting ready to start the 9.2 release process, so let's 
> screw up the mail lists and then we won't be bothered by a lot of people 
> posting bugs." Sounds like DIlbert's PHB, doesn't it?
> -- cmg

   Well ya'll keep asking for Linux to be more like winders.... they are
just practicing.... *grin* actually it's more fuel for Vox's 99 reasons
he hates sympa.


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