RPM is not your problem here.  

The warning messages you are getting are from OpenSSL.

The OpenSSL API changes between version.  It is trying to verify that the 
version you linked against is the version you are actually calling.  
(There are some very good reasons to do this.)

Upgrading OpenSSL by hand is not for the timid.

And now a real reason to hate RPM.  (This is fixable BTW.)

If you use "--whatrequires" to find all the things that OpenSSL is 
supposed to link against, you will get a small handful of the actual 
dependancies.  If you use "-e", you will get a complete list.  (If the 
library is not listed in the spec file, the autodependancy will pick it 
up, but only the library name, not the correct package.)

And then there is the bug in "obsoletes"...

On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Tru64 User wrote:

> Hi,
> i checked my openssl, it was version 0.9.6x
> (vulnerable)
> MandrakeUpdate, does not offer its upgrade via
> security updates.
> OK. So? Download openssl-0.9.7b (No rpm available)
> OK. Make one of my own (rpm -tb .....tar.gz), Fine.
> Try installing (complains about conflicting stuff!)
> rpm -e openssl-0.9.6* ;libopenssl0-0.9.6i-1.4mdk is
> needed by a bunch of stuff. 
> So, I used rpm -i --force openssl-0.9.7b-.....
> OK, Good. But libopenssl0-0.9.6i-1.4mdk was not
> overwritten! So? manually adjusted link for
> libssl.so.0 to point to libssl.so.0.9.7 instead of
> libssl.so.0.9.6, and likewise for libcrypto.so.0 
> OK. Good. Openssl upgraded.
> #ssh otherhost;
> OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 90607f, you
> have 90702f
> Arrrggghhhh.....i will have to built my own ssh then,
> no rpm for 3.6p1 available. Try building my own:
> rpm -tb openssh-3.6p1.tar.gz
> error: x11-askpass.... missing.
> Duh!! Downloaded that from some site:
> one more try: error: failed build dependencies:
>         XFree86-imake is needed by openssh-3.6p1-2
> Can't locate XFree86-imake rpm!!
> Gave up making openssh rpm, I will perform manual
> install:
> ./configure --with-tcp-wrapper
> Error; libwrap not found (I have tcp-wrapper rpm
> installed though!!)
> Google for libwrap library, found an rpm for it:
> rpm -ivh libwrap-7.6.30.i386.rpm ; Error:error: failed
> dependencies:
>  tcp_wrappers < 7.6-28 conflicts with libwrap-7.6-30
> So, now I have to uninstall tcp_wrappers to install
> libwrap
> (If you are still reading, do you even remember the
> original problem?????)
> Why are things this complicated????
> _Thanks 
> Richard
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