I've a question that I would guess is for Thomas Juan or Vincent.  But
if anyone knows the answer I'd like to know it.  

Just for fun I've been playing around with the video drivers for the
chipset on my laptop.  Rage-Mobility M/P AGP 2x   Now this used to be
supported with hardware 3D... So I've been kinda wondering why it
doesn't work anymore.  So looking at /var/log/XFree86.0.log I noticed
that it was trying to load drm and dri but..... it couldn't because
kernel module mach64 wasn't available.  

[drm] failed to load kernel module "mach64"

Thinking that I'd screwed up I started looking and noticed that sure
enough the code is in the kernel source (currently 25mdk) but that there
is no mention in my .config of mach64 nor in the config file from MDK. 
make xconfig nor make menuconfig offer any way I can see to make the
module either.  

What I was wondering is.  Has this been removed from being built
intentionally?  Or is something else missing that I am not bright enough
to see?  Finally anyone know how to enable the building of this module?


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