On Wednesday 06 August 2003 08:29 pm, John Douhard wrote:
> I just recently purchased a Soyo Dragon Lite Kt400 motherboard with an
> Athlon XP 2600+. To my utter disappointment, the NVIDIA drivers don't
> work! When X usually starts up, it just goes into a black screen and
> does nothing more. I am trying to make it work with an NVIDIA GeForce4
> MX 440 which is an AGP 4x card. Does the kernel not have support for
> this chipset? (W2K works with the internet.)
They should work fine with that chipset.  I have a Dragon Ultra with the same 
chipset and a GeForce3 that works fine.  Which nvidia drivers are you using, 
the kernel matched rpm version or the nvidia .run installer.  If you are 
using the rpms, try the nvidia installer available from their website.  


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a dog it's too dark to read" -Groucho Marx

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