> If you mean pick .MP3 and wind up with an audio track on your disk in one fell 
> swoop...well, I've never tried that. I always converted a bunch of MP3s with 

That's precisely what I'm trying to do. BTW, the xmms-diskwriter thingy
worked fine - I just su over, run cdrecord and give him all the wav
files. I'm the proud "owner" of a new Ween CD :).

Now I'm getting kiss alive II :) guess I'll be up all night :).
Originally this was a double lp. Maybe it'll all fit on one CD.

> the diskwriter plugin in XMMS, then ran normalize on them to equal everything 
> out, then used Gcombust to burn them as audio tracks to disk. (BTW, this 

I don't think I can find fault with that method. What I am looking for
is an easier way to automate much of the background processing, and when
burning a set of mp3s in wav for cd, making sure I can fit the # of mp3
files to the CD, and not run out of room. It's simpler of course to do
that in a GUI.

I like cdbakeoven's interface btw. It'll keep track of the time your
tracks use as well as give you an indication of how much space you've

For much of what I've been recording, straight mp3 to wav conversion
proves effective since I'm just burning single radio shows (OTR) to the
cd. But I have a couple where I think I could get 2 or maybe three on 1
cd and being sure I don't run out of room helps. I don't want to try
overburn jsut yet :). These aren't typical 44.1k stereo things; that's
where the sampling rate needs to match in the decoding process. 

> Yes, I can pick individual viles, groups, or whole directories with it. Very 
> handy, just change the audio i/o to diskwriter, make your selection, hit play 

Ok... yes, as I tried that, it works just fine. I'll have to remember to
do that - especially when confronted with vbr's in the future.

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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