On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 20:08, Miark wrote:
> I set up postfix, and when I try to send mail to a
> user on the system, Postfix responds with
>    451 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Temporary lookup failure
> and in /var/log/mail/warnings it says
>    warning: cannot access UNIX password database: No such file or directory
> which doesn't make sense. The box works like a charm for everything
> else. Anybody know what's going on?
> Miark

This is strictly a WAG (wild a** guess) but putting two and two together
I may have come up with 4, maybe 5 not sure.  But One of the salesmen
noted today that sometimes when he logs in at his home every e-mail he
sends bounces, or disappears.  But if he does a release on his dhcp addy
and grabs a new and different one.  He can send no sweat.  I'm wondering
if some of the mail servers around here are starting to block IP numbers
that they have marked as "infected" and when people with dhcp get what
used to be a winders IP number... Dunno just a thought.


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