On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 20:23, Michael Viron wrote:
> You mean http://www.tldp.org (tldp.com is currently owned by some medical
> magazine).

DOH!.... yep didn't even notice I typed com...... arrrrgghhh.
> Michael
> At 07:56 PM 8/30/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 16:28, yankl wrote:
> >> On Saturday 30 August 2003 05:04 pm, J.C. Woods wrote:
> >> > yankl wrote:
> >> > >Hi All,
> >> > >
> >> > >Question for dns guru
> >> > >If I own a domain yankele.com do I need to get mail.yankele.com
> register 
> >> > > or can I assign it to myself?
> >> >
> >> > No, you did not need separate registration for individual machines, as
> >> > long as you own the domian name. Just make sure you set up the zone
> >> > files with all of the appropriate  entries , i.e.  A,  PTR,  MX, CNAME,
> >> > etc.  Resource  Records (RR).
> >> >
> >> > DRJUNG
> >> Any good places to RTFM? Websites or HOWTOs
> >
> >DNS is the keyword here. There are howto's and info at tldp.com (the
> >linux documentation project.)  Or if you are a real masochist and want
> >the definitive answer I have found O'Reilley's DNS in a Nutshell to be a
> >must keep, must use, book.
> >
> >James
> >
> >
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> >Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> >
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