On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 10:02, Mark wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Richard wrote:
> > On Mon September 1 2003 11:51 am, Mark wrote:
> > > Hi list,
> > >
> > > I've been playing with 9,2RC1 since yesterday when I installed it,
> > > and I've noticed there are a few things missing. One of which I used
> > > a lot of and that was Konsole. I was wondering if there was a
> > > specific reason that didn't make it into the install. I've also
> > > noticed that MC, the console FileManager didn't get installed.
> > > wussup?
> > 
> > It didn't get installed by default in 9.1 download when choosing Console 
> > tools. 
> > 
> > I don't know what I've have done if I hadn't added it while installing. 
> > Supermount always screws up on my old Dell Latitude, D300XT.  Without it 
> > I'd have to dig out Vi and the command sheet.  Much easier with mc. 
> > 
> > Richard. 
> > 
> I know what you mean. However, I had learned Vi before I even met "mc" 
> back in my early RedHat days. ( RedHat 5.2 ). I don't know that I'll worry 
> about getting Konsole on here right away. Its not a necessity. Gnome 
> terminal works just as well. About the only reason I can even thing of for 
> loading it after the fact is that I can use multiple terms in one window 
> and easily switch back and forth from one window to another without having 
> a dozen or so seperate terminal windows open.
> but now...upon examination of the Gnome terminal it turns out that I can 
> do the same thing with this terminal window as with Konsole and it's much 
> lighter then Konsole. gosh! will wonders never cease!? 

Only problem I've had with multi-gnome-terminal (which is what you have)
comes in ssh'ing into a variety of boxes.  Some of the commnands like
backspace get lost (like with ftp) and as a result it's a pain.  I love
the product (it did a lot of things konsole is just now learning) but
the backspace problem got to be a headache.


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