On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 22:32, Charlie M. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> September 10, 2003 08:24 pm, J.C. Woods wrote:
> >
> > To the original poster, François, and to Charlie. There is a lot of
> > confusion about using the Geforce4 MX 440 in Mandrake or, for that
> > mattter, any other Liunx OS using the 2.4.x kernel. I have posted
> > about this issue more than once but here it goes again. If your
> > Geforce4 MX 440, or any other video board, i.e. Radeon, is using AGP
> > 8X then you are  using AGP  3.0, and are no longer using AGP 2.0. AGP
> > 3.0  is *NOT* supported in any 2.4.x kernel that I know of. There are
> > some patches out there but most of these are made to support 8X
> > Radeon cards (and are buggy at best). I have the Geforce4 MX 440 8X,
> > and I was able to compile the Nvidia drivers, and I did get them to
> > load but AGPGART would not work for the reasons outlined above. I had
> > graphics but color rendering was for shit. It seems the only solution
> > to 8X AGP 3.0 support is to wait for kernel 2.5. (at least, I hear it
> > will support this newer AGP version). The pivotal point is are you
> > trying to load modules for 8X AGP 3.0?
> >
> > Does anyone know the final kernel version in LMDK9.2? Now does the
> > foregoing elucidate or obfuscate this issue even more?
> >
> > drjung
> Hiya Doc;
> I know what you're saying but the point was moot for the guy I put the 
> system together for, and for me. He just wanted clear, he's not much of 
> a gamer so anything more than clear graphics was a side issue. The only 
> reason the box actually has the card in it that it does was simple 
> economics. A "regular budget card" was, at the time I picked up the 
> components for his new toy, less than $7 cheaper. Some kind of a 
> promotional 'special offer' a local retailer was running, $87 (prices 
> are Canadian, which has no relationship to real money) for the MSI he 
> has versus $81 for the next least expensive.
> I appreciate the explanation and the information but for me; and for the 
> friend I built the box for, the latest super frame rate hot-rod video 
> card, 8X AGP or not, or hypertrophied discombobulated whizzbang 
> whats-its, were less important than the system's performance overall. 
> Colour was fine, graphics are clear. It wasn't, and isn't, even trying 
> to run at AGP 8X, the board it's on doesn't even support that to the 
> best of my knowledge, so the card defaults to "legacy mode." AGP 2 I 
> mean. I've assembled three very similar systems for different people 
> using almost identical components, and nobody has complained at all. 
> That's all I care about.
> My 18 year old son and his Radeon 9700 Pro on an NVidia2 chipset 
> motherboard on the other hand.....<g>
> The kernel for 9.2 will be a version of the 2.4.22 series. The latest is 
> shown in my signature. 
> The 2.6 is available in contribs already, and the one I'm looking at 
> right now is 2.6.0-0test.4.4mdk. The latest I suppose. I'll be 
> installing it in a bit so I'll have a better idea what it's like.
> Best Regards;
> Charlie


   what do you think the chances are the 2.6 would run on 9.1? (I won't
even ask about Win4Lin enabling it *grin*)  I need to do some
experiments and I need a known system to make sure that any problems I
have are kernel related not otherwise.  Thanks.


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