On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 05:34, Anne Wilson wrote:
> My ups is working well, but I would like to use the monitoring 
> software.  Unfortunately I seem to have a config problem, which I 
> don't understand.  These are the error messages:
> Wed Oct 29 09:53:14 GMT 2003  Cannot create 
> /var/lock/subsys/apcupsd/LCK..ttyS0 serial port lock file: ERR=No 
> such file or directory
> Wed Oct 29 09:53:14 GMT 2003  apcupsd FATAL ERROR in apcdevice.c at 
> line 87
> Unable to create UPS lock file.
> Wed Oct 29 09:53:14 GMT 2003  apcupsd error shutdown completed
> The directory /var/lock/subsys/apcupsd exists.  Why can't it create 
> the lock file?
> Anne

I guess the first obvious question is does the dir have the correct
permissions for whatever apcupsd is running as? On my system it runs as
root. And, are you sure there is a /var/lock/subsys/apcupsd directory? I
have a apcupsd file in /var/lock/subsys/ but no apcupsd directory...

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