On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 12:22:31 -0500
HaywireMac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribed on electronic parchment:

> On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:15:59 +0000
> Tim Sawchuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > 
> > Anyone seen this?  How to stop it?
> This came up before. Verisign actually sold the domain "localhost.com",
> bloody arses that they are.
> Two sol'ns came up, tell your browser not to autmatically append ".com"
> to addresses, or use instead.
> How you tell your browser not to append .com would vary according to the
> browser, check the archives for more info on that.

Thanks Haywire! worked fine.  I'm using Mozilla-Firebird and could not find how to
disable.  I do have the extension that lets me modify all prefs, just could
not find it.

And I found your reply stumbling through the archives; search in acrchives
is not working, so it is the scroll and hope you find the keywork that
works.  Find in page in the browser works ok, *if* you get the correct

Anyway, now I have to admit that I viewed WebMin as a security problem and
never used it.  Now I feel like an idiot, seeing how powerful it is - at
least I learned something new today..'  old dawg, new trick!  ;-)


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