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Monday 10 November 2003 8:45 am, HaywireMac wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thought I'd give up waiting for the ISO's to be released and do a
> network install, but no go.
> Yes, PNP is turned off in the BIOS, if that matters in this case.
> Anyway, boots from the floppy fine, choose FTP, then DHCP, identifies
> the network card correctly, then when it tries to bring up networking, I
> get "Signal 11, exiting."

Is it a 3com 9xx network card? Those have been problematic for me many times 
for network installs. I don't know why, and have never had the time to 
diagnose it. Since they're such common hardware around here I started 
carrying a 160 GB Maxtor with cooker and current release trees mirrored from 
uninett.no on it in a USB enclosure instead of doing the internet/network 
install. That always works. (-:

> The logs (alt-F3) show that the machine got the correct info from my
> DHCP server and loaded the driver for the net card successfully, shows
> no errors at all (?)

Guess it wasn't the network interface then since that's where I've seen 
failures before with NIC problems.

> Any idea what in tarnation is goin' wrong?
> Thanks!
> BTW, if anyone can point me to an FTP with the ISO's, I'd reeeealllly
> appreciate it, save me this hassle.

I wonder if the problem is related to the fact that all the install images in 
the 9.2 tree have changed to get rid of the LG problem since I checked 
yesterday? There's no longer a .10mdkBOOT kernel image and that's likely what 
was on your network install floppy. You'll have to rewrite that disk I think. 
I say that because I ran rsync against the 9.2 tree a few minutes ago on my 
repository drive(s) and noticed there have been updates. Try a new network 
image; it couldn't hurt.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (FiveStar) for i586 kernel 2.4.22-21mdk
09:18:39 up 21:40, 1 user, load average: 0.32, 0.13, 0.09
He who has the courage to laugh is almost as much a master of the world
as he who is ready to die.
                -- Giacomo Leopardi
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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