On Monday 10 Nov 2003 4:07 pm, Jarmo wrote:
> Has anyone got pop3 filters working in Kmail?
> If I greate forinstance filter <message> contains <html> delete
> from server filter does not work.
> If I greate mail filter as above and set action "move into trash it
> works like a charm.
> I'm tired to see that html-crab and would like to get rid of them
> without downloading them at all.
> Or is there a bug in Kmail,can't recall,but have read/heard that it
> might be a bug?
I've never had much luck with them, although there other filters work 
well.  I just filter everything I don't want to ZZ_Junk (zz to put it 
at the bottom <g>) then empty it all unread

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