
This patch probably won't be accepted to trunk, but we'll be happy to
distribute it as an extension.

Creating an extension extending the flickr exporter would probably takes
some refactoring of the flickr exporter itself...



On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 17:47 +0200, Nils Pickert wrote:
> Hi everybody
> a collegue from ipernity (Carsten,
> http://ipernity.com/blog/14287/12956/comment/345734#comment34573 ) has
> created a patch for f-spot so that it can export to ipernity, I believe
> he sent it already to some of the developers...
> I am trying to rewrite this [1], so that it would fit in the extensions
> framework. Is there anywhere an example how an exporter would work? Like
> the flickr exporter as an extension?
> If somebody is doing this already, give me a note :-)
> cheers
> Nils
> [1] Note that I have no real clue about programming...
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