The following two issues perhaps deserve some attention:

When I export a gallery to a folder (creating a standalone
gallery), files in the  mq and  thumbs directores
become readable only to the owner, which I think is a bug.
This is quite confusing, because instead of index and
mq pictures, you only see "#"  when you look with a browser 
at the just created gallery.
The gallery is OK after
chmod -R a+r *

The gallery name is also used as a name of the directory
in which the gallery is actually created.
This I guess is intentional, but to my taste, unfortunate.
The gallery name often consists of several words, with spaces,
contains non-English characters.
I am old fashioned unix user, and I don't like 
such directory names, nor the assumption that
the galery title should be the same as its directory name.

I think it would be fine, if the gallery were directly created
in the directory which you name as the "destination folder".

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