----- "Jonathan Addleman" <j...@redowl.ca> ha scritto: 
> I just noticed in the archive that someone posted a few weeks ago with 
> import problems. In particular, I'm seeing the same issue where imported 
> photos got put into my home dir, instead of into the ~/Photos dir. Using 
> file->import works fine, BTW - the glitch only occurs when I use the 
> automatic importing after inserting a memory card with photos. 
> Is there any way I can help debug what might have happened? 

The bug is reported here 

If you want to help, try building f-spot.org's from source (you don't 
need to install it system wide, you can build and run it in a local dir, but 
always make backups!) and try to reproduce the bug. 

Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo.mil...@yetopen.it 

YetOpen S.r.l. - http://www.yetopen.it/ 
C.so E. Filiberto, 74 23900 Lecco - ITALY - 
Tel 0341 220 205 - Fax 178 607 8199 

GPG/PGP Key-Id: 0xE704E230 - http://keyserver.linux.it 

-------- D.Lgs. 196/2003 -------- 

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