On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 07:53 -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:

> I did something similar with a Perl script.  It was quite easy to do. 

Yeah.  I've got most of a bash script to do it.

> I don't have that script around, but I still use my own script to
> import photos.

Interesting.  Does it get the dates right?  :-)  What a mess this date
behaviour is in f-spot.

> I'd probably scan the file system for photos that are not in the
> correct place, attempt to lookup in the f-spot database, and then
> either update or insert after moving the file.

Well, I think the database is the place to start:

echo "select * from photos;" | sqlite3 photos.db |
( IFS=\|; while read id time uri description version_id rating md5_sum; do
    if [[ $uri != file:///data/photos/200?/* ]]; then
        echo "mv \"$path\" /data/photos/$(date -d $(ctime $time) +%Y/%m/%d) # 
        # need to update database.  can I use an sqlite3 command here given that
        # I already have one with the database open for reading?
done; )

Of course, rather than just echoing it, I need to do the actual "mv" as
well as I need to update the database to the new location.

Is it safe to have one sqlite3 instance reading from the database while
another is updating it?


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