Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the input and valid points. But having a typo with module name? No 
wonder why I also had problems installing it from PyPI (and still managed not 
to spot the issue) :)

I've now uploaded the module with correct name - and with the exception of 
dump bin package, both pip and easy_install should be install it without 
problems (that is why I left it out, for now). I wonder the binary option is 
missing the setup.py... oh, well. Let me know if you still face any problems. 
Documentation is also being updated.

* http://pypi.python.org/pypi/fabric-contrib.xfiles/0.1.1
* http://packages.python.org/fabric-contrib.xfiles/
* http://bitbucket.org/jmu/fabric-contrib

Juha Mustonen

> Thanks for the announcement, great to see people publishing their own
> addons, given that I (still) don't have the planned snippet sharing
> site up. (It's coming, I swear :))
> Couple of nitpicks/problems:
> * You seem to have made a typo when uploading to PyPI -- "conrtib"
> instead of "contrib" :)
> * I can't seem to install it to check it out, for a few reasons:
>   * The install instructions say to install "xfiles", but only
> "fabric-conrtib.xfiles" seems to actually register a hit. (Probably
> because you don't actually own the top level "xfiles" name on PyPI ;))
>   * I can Distribute-easy_install or pip install
> "fabric-conrtib.xfiles", but both tools complain that they can't find
> a setup script. Sadly I don't have time to troubleshoot this right now
> (plus my package-fu is rusty) but hopefully you can replicate and fix
> this, or point out what I've got wrong.
> * You might want to update your Sphinx docs so the link to BitBucket
> goes straight to the project repo instead of the BB homepage. I had to
> snoop around a bit to find the actual repository URL (thankfully you
> did include it in your PyPI metadata so it shows up on the PyPI
> listing). Not a problem per se, just a suggestion.

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