from fabric.api import *

env.hosts = ['foo1.com', 'foo2.com', 'foo3.com', 'foo4.com', 'foo5.com', 

def putfile():
 put(r'c:\blah.txt', '/tmp/')
 run('touch /tmp/blah.txt')

I checked and double-checked that there were no dupes in my list. Previously it 
was using this:

from fabric.api import *

env.roledefs = {
    'servers': ['foo1.com', 'foo2.com', 'foo3.com', 'foo4.com', 'foo5.com', 

def putfile():
 put(r'c:\blah.txt', '/tmp/')
 run('touch /tmp/blah.txt')

...the behaviour I was expecting was for the function 'pufile()' to happen on 
foo1.com first and then go through the rest of the list in order.
¤ kyoboku kazeoshi ¤
From: Morgan Goose [morgan.go...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:26
To: Jeff Honey
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] order control

If I recall the hosts all get sent through a set() conversion to remove
duplicates, that would make the order undefined. Do you have an example fabfile
we can look at?
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