If you want to capture stdout and stderr on the the cli and pipe it to a file
you can use tee like was suggested and some bash fu:

    If you don't need it to display:
    yourcommand &>filename
    or if you do:
    yourcommand 2>$1 | tee filename



On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:30:22PM -0700, Nathan Brazil wrote:
>    I have fabric 0.9.2 running on Ubuntu, and I want to be able to capture
>    whatever is printed to the console to a file as well.  So here's what I
>    did:
>    1. Modify  /usr/local/bin/fab's #! line to have unbuffered output, like
>    so:
>            #!/usr/local/bin/python -u
>    2. Create a shell script named myfab that goes something like this:
>            #!/usr/bin/env bash
>            fab $* | tee log/`date +%FT%Hh%Mm%Ss`.log
>    Now, whenever I run myfab instead of fab, the output is shown on screen as
>    well as captured in a timestamped log file.
>    However, there is a drawback in that stderr is not captured, such that if
>    my fab script bombs out, the error message is absent from the log file.
>     This is acceptable for now, though, since deployments are to be
>    automated, but not unattended, IMHO.
>    --
>    On Oct 18, 2010, at 9:35 AM, Jeff Honey wrote:
>      I've looked through the API docs and am scratching my head here. How do
>      I capture Fabric's output to STDOUT and put it in a file? I know I can
>      just do a simple redirection within the cmdline statement but I need to
>      take that output and stick it in an email, the code for which is
>      included in the function.
>      The email code I've got just uses smtplib and pulls in a txt file.
>      --
>      ������������������
>      � kyoboku kazeoshi �
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