Hey Michael,

As Morgan said, we'd love to see what you have, for sure! A couple
additional points below.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 5:04 PM, Michael Gliwinski
<michael.gliwin...@henderson-group.com> wrote:

> The source is loaded "lazily" - only when the first missing key is accessed
> which means an instance of RoleDefs can be assigned to env.roledefs without
> causing delay on every fab invocation.

I'm not sure how much of the Fab source you peeked at, but roledefs
are already lazy, so hopefully your load_from() method is just
populating the dict values with callables -- that's all that should be
necessary for this aspect of your setup to work, off the top of my

> My usecase for this is that I usually export the roles (or access them
> directly) from Spacewalk/Cobbler, but sometimes e.g. when I'm working over VPN
> I have to connect through SSH tunnels (port redirs) through a gateway, so I
> have a local file with some roles redefined in terms of those redirections.

That's certainly valid. Part of me says the feature is a bit on the
esoteric side, but on the other hand I've always been a fan of adding
"power user" features provided the common use case isn't compromised
and said feature doesn't add significant complexity. Based on your
description, your change probably passes both those tests :)

Let us know where we can check it out and I'm sure we can offer
further advice/questions/etc, and if it looks good I'll definitely add
a ticket for figuring out how best to include it.


Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby engineer

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