On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 3:31 PM, Mohamed Lrhazi <lrh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is this possible? I went through the docs and it does not show any
> examples of such usage, only via command line or a decorator.

It could be more explicit, but it's in there if you read carefully :)


    "One may also force all tasks to run in parallel by using the
command-line flag -P or the env variable env.parallel."

So you can tickle env.parallel directly or via 'with settings', and
then task executions via execute() will run in parallel. E.g.:

    with settings(parallel=True):
        execute(mytaskfunction, hosts=[...])

In addition, decorators are simply functions themselves and can be
used to temporarily wrap otherwise un-decorated functions, so you
could also:

    execute(parallel(mytaskfunction), hosts=[...])

Hope that helps,

> Is there a way?
> Thanks a lot,
> Mohamed.
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