
I have following problem.

I try to run a fab command on over 300 hosts from MacOSX using lates
fabric from pip. The command is anythting fancy (see below), but it
gets stack. I see some python processes which never end. When I split
the same list into 3 everything works fine with great speed. Any idea
what's wrong? The command has to be fine, connections are fine, I use
pool_size (try different value, effect the same) so I don't use too
much resources.


My fab file currently looks this:
from fabric.api import *

env.skip_bad_hosts =True
env.warn_only = True
env.parallel = True
env.show = ['debug']

def taskA():
    out = sudo('/sbin/swapoff -a')
    print out.failed

Mac info:
#>uname -a
Darwin mc-lon-mb186.local 11.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.0: Mon Apr
 9 19:32:15 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.26.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

Fab info:
#>fab -V
Fabric 1.4.3
ssh (library) 1.7.14

Dr  Wawrzyniec NiewodniczaƄski    or Wawrzek for short
  PhD in Quantum Chemistry  & MSc in Molecular Engineering
   WWW: http://wawrzek.name E-MAIL: j...@wawrzek.name
      Linux User #177124

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