Hi all,

Just pushed out Fabric 1.5.2 which fixes a pretty serious bug in
local() (plus a few other odds and ends -- see
http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.5/changelog.html for details).

Apologies for letting it languish a bit -- have been on a longer than
usual vacation (honestly? can't recommend. Readjusting to normal life,
in various ways, has been pretty wacky) and was then on a work related

The Fabric and Paramiko notification queues are still somewhat backed
up so my priority is triaging those as fast as I can. Since triage
frequently leads to me merging PRs on the spot this should mean
another set of releases in the near future (1.5.3 and 1.6.0).

Once those are under control it's back to work on Invoke and Fabric
2.x, as per the roadmap (http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.5/roadmap.html)
My goal right now is to have something worth showing (Invoke at least
and possibly even some concrete Fabric 2.x API experiments) for PyCon
2013 in March, where I hope to see many of you.

Thanks, and here's to an awesome 2013 for all of us,

Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby engineer

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