On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 12:42 AM, Naim Shahidan <shahi...@mycrypto.biz>wrote:

> my aims is to ssh from one server to another without using authorized_keys
> and interactive ssh. So when ssh to another server, i can possibly execute
> another ssh command to another host without any password prompt. I also
> will provide env.passwords and env.hosts.
> so is like this:
> 1.) call run() to ssh to server A
> 2.) from server A, i need to call another function to execute ssh to
> server B. password for server B is inside env.password
> sorry to give blur information, im quiet new to Fabric.
> regards,
> Naim S.

It's more of an SSH thing than a Fabric thing. You can "chain" ssh commands 
together across a number of machines if you want, though I'd suggest that under 
normal circumstances a single bastion host should suffice. 

Something like:

ssh bastion_hostname -t -o "ProxyCommand  nc -q0 
target_host_behind_restrictive_firewall  22"

should work (note the use of netcat here to redirect I/O). If you can get ssh 
to work standalone, fab should be OK. You might also want to consider using ssh 
config files to tidy up the commands a little. Just google for "ssh chaining".

Good luck.

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