Hi Kyle,

Sorry for the tardy reply - but you struck on what I was going to
suggest :) this is one reason why execute() exists, lets you take
explicit control of the top level execution context (re: what code
runs against what targets). Hope that approach works OK for you!


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Kyle Reynolds
<avidfantabul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I solved it like so:
> #-------------
> from fabric.api import *
> env.user = call("whoami")
> # assign CLI -H args to role 'current'
> env.roledefs ={
>   'current': env.hosts
> }
> # clear env.hosts so commands default to localhost
> env.hosts = ''
> # function to run on remote servers
> def testit():
>    run('hostname')
> # function to run once, locally
> def runlocal():
>    local('touch "`date`"')
> def bigtest():
>    execute(testit, role='current')
>    runlocal()
> --
> fab -H server1,server2,server3 bigtest
> ...runs 'testit' on each server listed on the commandline, yet only runs
>    'runlocal' once, last.
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Kyle Reynolds <avidfantabul...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I am using fabric to pull configuration files to a local directory, and
>> then once I have all of the files local, I want to run an md5 checksum to
>> check consistency.  The problem I'm having is figuring out how to run the
>> final function, only ONCE, locally, AFTER all of the files have been pulled
>> down by another function.
>> I have looked into the @run_once decorator, but I need this function to
>> run after everything, not once on the first run.
>> any ideas or suggestions?
>> Thanks!
> --
> Sent via International Space Station by way of my Top Secret decoder ring
> --
> Kyle Reynolds
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.mythictechnologies.com
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> k...@mythictechnologies.com
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Follow me on Twitter!   https://twitter.com/kyle_reynolds
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Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby engineer

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