
In our organisation we're using Fabric to manage the execution of commands on 
both Linux and Windows machines. We installed the Cygwin + the OpenSSH package 
on our Windows servers.
The problem is that almost ALL commands don't return output after a fabric 
execution. Example:

fab -H example.test.org runs_in_parallel:date,windows

[vincent-windows-admin-testing12.mqel.ubisoft.com] Executing task 
[vincent-windows-admin-testing12.mqel.ubisoft.com] run: date


Same thing for a command that should output something more lines like:

fab -H example.test.org runs_in_parallel:cat,windows,/etc/test

[vincent-windows-admin-testing12.mqel.ubisoft.com] Executing task 
[vincent-windows-admin-testing12.mqel.ubisoft.com] run: date


Where test is a text file with over 3000 lines of text. I can obviously SSH 
directly into the Windows server (Cygwin+OpenSSH) and do a 'cat test' which 
will output the contents of the text file.

The ONLY command which displays the outputs successfully is 'chef-client' which 
is the Chef (http://www.getchef.com/) client utility which does configuration 
management for the nodes in our infrastructure.

Is anyone here familiar with the idiosyncrasies of Fabric and Cygwin + OpenSSH 
on a Windows server? Any known tweaks that may be done to solve this?


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