Hi,I am writing a python script that creating an amazon volume and attach it to 
an instance.To do so, I need to create a file system using mkfs command.So, I 
wrote this code:
with settings(host_string=instance.public_dns_name, user = "my_user", 
key_filename="my_pem", warn_only=True):           run('mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdh')    
          run('mount -t ext4 /dev/xvdh /work')
It returns:Could not stat /dev/xvdh --- No such file or directoryThe device 
apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly?
I tries multiple options:- using sudo rather than run- using pty=False and/or 
shell=False in the run command
Any help is appreciated :)
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