Howdy all,

I have just discovered ESLint, and am impressed with the focus and
philosophy of the project, and the emphasis on good style and

The lack of a free software ECMAScript linter has been painful for a
while. The JSLint and JSHint tools are *not* free software. Their
license terms include a well-intentioned but completely ambiguous,
easy-to-twist condition which leaves the recipient completely in the
dark as to what actions would be judged to violate the license

So I am very pleased to see ESHint released under the widely-understood
free-software terms of the Expat (MIT) license. Thank you!

Because ESLint is unambiguously free software, I hope to see this in
Debian soon; do you know if anyone is working on this?

 \             “The greater the artist, the greater the doubt; perfect |
  `\       confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation |
_o__)                                           prize.” —Robert Hughes |
Ben Finney

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