
I have a fabfile test.py like this

from fabric.api import *

env.hosts = ['foo.bar.baz', 'boo.bar.baz']

def simple():
    run("uname -a")

def simple_go():

def simple_gogo():

__init__.py contains

env.ssh_config_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/config.fab")
env.use_ssh_config = True

where config.fab looks like this

Host foo.bar.baz

Host boo.bar.baz

Host foo.*
User root

Host *.baz
User ubuntu

i.e. hosts named foo.* require login as root, everything else as ubuntu.

If I run

fab test.simple

everything works as expected, that is the script logs into foo as root
and into boo as
user ubuntu.

If I try this with the workhorse pattern

fab test.simple_go

or even without the @runs_once decorator

fab test.simple_gogo

it succeeds to log into foo as root, but then tries to log into boo as
well as root.

Is this the intended if somewhat unexpected behaviour of execute or
have I hit on a bug?

paramiko as well as ssh and parallel-ssh work fine with the given
ssh_config so the problem
is unlikely due to incorrect ssh_config parsing. Only using execute
triggers this behaviour.

I am willing to extend my debugging foo, but would like to be sure
this is a real bug and not
me doing something I should not be doing.

Kind regards,


Matthias Witte
Email: matthias.wi...@g.zamiam.de

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