Hi Wawrzek,

if you need to specify a host per task, I would recommend you  to use the
@hosts decorator:

def test():
    print "Hosts:", env['hosts']
    print "Host_string", env['host_string']
    run('uname -a')

Anyway, check out the documentation at
It explains how the hosts lists are constructed and how can you use it. I
usually use the -H flag in the fab command.


2014-10-03 11:37 GMT+02:00 Wawrzek Niewodniczanski <m...@wawrzek.name>:

> Hi,
> For quite a long time I've been using various fabric based scripts.
> Recently I hit very strange problem. Following short script
> illustrates my issue.
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import fabric
> from fabric.api import env, run
> env.hosts = ['localhost']
> def test():
>     print "Hosts:", env['hosts']
>     print "Host_string", env['host_string']
>     run('uname -a')
> test()
> And when I run It I got:
> #>./fabric-min.py
> Hosts: ['localhost']
> Host_string None
> No hosts found. Please specify (single) host string for connection:
> localhost
> [localhost] run: uname -a
> I copied content to fabfile.py and got the same:
> #>fab test
> Hosts: ['localhost']
> Host_string None
> No hosts found. Please specify (single) host string for connection: ^C
> Stopped.
> What do I  do wrong?
> I run my tests at Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with
> Python 2.7.6
> Fabric 1.8.2
> Paramiko 1.10.1
> Thanks,
> Wawrzek
> --
> Dr  Wawrzyniec Niewodniczański    or Wawrzek for short
>   PhD in Quantum Chemistry  & MSc in Molecular Engineering
>    WWW: http://wawrzek.name E-MAIL: j...@wawrzek.name
>       Linux User #177124
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