Is there any way for me to change the command that fabric uses?  I don't
want it to run ssh I've got another application that I want it to run that
works with ssh.

ex: have fabric connect via foo and not have fabric open
ssh or better yet tell fabric what one to use?


when I do something like out = run('omreport storage controller
I get a wall of text, I'd like to filter the text, what's the best way to
pars it?

I'm doing this currently but am getting in to trouble with list of lists.
 If run

    list_of_items = [i.split() for i in items]
    sizes = len(list_of_items)
    count = 0
    while count != sizes:
    print list_of_items[count]
    count += 1
I get a bunch of lists,

But if I run this I don't get anything printed,

    list_of_items = [i.split() for i in items]
    sizes = len(list_of_items)
    count = 0
    while count != sizes:
     if any('string') in list_of_items[count]:
     print list_of_items[count]
     count += 1

 I Don't know what I'm doing wrong, Think it's less of a Fabric issue and
more of a Coding issue.
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