I think I understand why this happened.
Recently, the connectivity to 2 of the hosts ($HOST_A and $HOST_B) changed so 
that they needed to be accessed via a gateway.
So in my `fabfile.py`, I added:

  env.gateway = $GATEWAY_HOST

This works fine for the 2 affected hosts.  The 3rd host was in my 
~/.ssh/known_hosts, though, and the fingerprint did not match because of the 
When I deleted the entry, I shelled in to test the connection, but that put the 
key back in know_hosts.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Abrams" <b...@benabrams.it>
To: "Carl Waldbieser" <waldb...@lafayette.edu>
Cc: "fab-user" <fab-user@nongnu.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:33:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] Need debugging advice for host key error


Did someone regenerate the host key fingerprint? While its trivial to
ignore it does open you up for a man in the middle. I would verify that
everything is good before doing anything like this. Here is some
documentation on ssh behavior with fabric:

You have several options:
1. Fix your (or whatever user fab is running as) .ssh/known_hosts to not
have the conflict (ie delete the offending key)
2. Change .ssh/config for host (list of hosts to use something like
StrictHostKeyChecking=no or UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null)
3. You could also do this by modifying the behavior of fabric to not care
by setting env.disable_known_hosts=True

Hope this helps you

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Waldbieser, Carl <waldb...@lafayette.edu>

> Use fabric to retrieve a bunch of files from a set of hosts each day.
> However, one host started giving me the following error:
>   Fatal error: Host key for $MYHOST did not match pre-existing key!
> Server's key was changed recently, or possible man-in-the-middle attack.
>   Underlying exception:
>       ('$MYHOST', <paramiko.rsakey.RSAKey object at 0x13e36d0>,
> <paramiko.rsakey.RSAKey object at 0x13e5490>)
> (I changed the actual host name to $MYHOST).
> I thought an admin had just re-IP'd the host.  But I could ssh to it
> without a warning-- how strange.
> I removed the entry from my known_hosts file anyway.  I verified I could
> shell in.  Then I ran fabric and got the same result.
> I can get the result by executing something as simple as:
>   $ fab -H "$MYHOST" -- ls
> The following short paramiko script seems to work, though:
>   #! /usr/bin/env python
>   import paramiko.client
>   c = paramiko.client.SSHClient()
>   c.load_system_host_keys()
>   c.connect("ldap6")
>   t = c.exec_command("ls")
>   print t[1].read()
>   c.close()
> So I am not exactly sure where to look next.  Has anyone run into this
> puzzling behavior?
> Thanks,
> Carl Waldbieser
> ITS System Programmer
> Lafayette College
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Ben Abrams
Computer Consultant

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