

I'm using fabric 1.10  in windows environment with Bitvise SSH server.


Running fab file from admin PC (windows 8.1) which in turn fires another fab
file on the build server (Windows Server 2012)


The procedure in the first fab file look like this:


def run_package():


    with cd(env.builder_path):

        run("fab {0}:{1},{2},{3}".format(env.cmd, env.app, env.user,



Everything worked perfectly for almost two years and recently we started
getting very weird behavior - the remote fab is fired, but the process hangs
and never completes. Looking for additional info with process explorer I get
the following process stack hierarchy on the remote server:


cmd.exe /c cd c:\dev\ && fab params

                fab  params

"C:\Python27\Scripts\fab-script.py" "params,"

C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "cd "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\fabric" &&
git log -1 --format=format:%h"



What is trying to run something related to git log ??? What is wrong? 


If I reboot the server it works for some time, let's say a day, and then the
fab process hangs again.




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