> On 21.07.2015, at 17:09, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there Pyhton Fabric UI application which will invoke the fabric cli 
> commands at the backend. This is for people who are not tech savvy and hands 
> on using cli commands on the linux console.
> Any help will be highly appreciable?

Hi Kaushal,

I’m not aware of any tool that does exactly what you ask for, but in our team 
we have set up a few parametrized jobs in Jenkins that check out Fabric code 
and execute some of those tasks for us. It’s far from being ideal, but it gives 
use a few benefits, including
- possibility to add ACLs and decide who can run what
- execution of tasks from a production server close to the affected hosts 
(instead of from an operator workstation)
- possibility to easily run them from a smartphone + VPN connection
- availability of logs (with colors! :D) for later inspection

The only tricky part is to set up the ‘Jenkins jobs’ parameters and translate 
them in Fabric host/roles list and tasks/parameters; again, far from ideal, but 
of the dozens of tasks we have, only a small subset requires any GUI-interface, 
so we’re ok with that so far.


Alexander Fortin

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