I am new to using fabric and have a question about getting fabric to use a 
particular fabfile.py. I am aware that fabric will look for a fabfile.py in the 
directory in which the command is issued.  fabric will also accept a fabfile.py 
in the command line using the “-f” option such as 

        $ fab -f ~/fabfile.py -l

You can also put a definition inside the .fabricrc file such as 


and run your fab command as follows

        fab -l

and it will use the fabfile found at ~/fabfile_1.py.

My actual question is that it seems like that the command line option 
specification for the location of the fabfile should override the .fabricrc 
specification but it does not seem to. I would have expected the following 
command to work with the fabfile_2.py even though fabfile_1.py has been 
specified in the .fabricrc file. 

        $ fab -f ~/project/fabfile_2.py -l

but this command actually uses ~/fabfile_1.py

Any thoughts or comments?
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