Hi Chris,

Was the former, at least in my case, apologies!

Looks like this is a missing feature in 2.x, we simply aren't providing any
way for you to pass that timeout parameter yet :( Your use of 'env' is
unfortunately a bit off the mark, that's for shell environment variables,
which doesn't help here.

I searched the tracker and somebody made a ticket for this recently, which
I just expanded on: https://github.com/fabric/fabric/issues/1922

The tl;dr is that the command runner level needs to understand timeouts,
and then Fabric's use of that can subclass/extend such that it tickles the
timeout param in paramiko.Client.exec_command. (See links in that ticket.)


On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 11:42 AM Chris Satterthwaite <ch...@cmsconstruct.com>

> Is this newsgroup active?  It’s been a week and I haven’t seen any
> activity.
> Since I posted for the first time, I’m not sure if my message just hit bad
> timing over holidays, or if it’s stumped folks and I should post elsewhere.
> Thanks!
> *From:* Fab-user <fab-user-bounces+chris=cmsconstruct....@nongnu.org> *On
> Behalf Of *Chris Satterthwaite
> *Sent:* Monday, December 31, 2018 1:06 PM
> *To:* fab-user@nongnu.org
> *Subject:* [Fab-user] command timeouts via Connection.run
> Fab community,
> I need some direction on getting command timeouts to work on remote SSH
> commands using fabric.connection.Connection.run.  I’m new to Fabric so I’m
> assuming I have missed something straightforward; I appreciate any guidance
> you can provide.
> I scripted a quick test case below, using Paramiko’s exec_command and
> Fabric’s Connection.run.  The command I’m sending from Windows over to a
> Linux remote endpoint is 'date; sleep 3; date', and attempting to force a
> timeout after 1 second.
> The result of the script shows the following, which illustrates Paramiko
> timing out as expected, but Fabric not timing out:
> =================================================
> Calling useFabric with timeout 1:
>   {'hide': True, 'env': {'command_timeout': '1'}}
>   result is ok: True
>   STDOUT: Mon Dec 31 12:38:19 CST 2018
>   STDOUT: Mon Dec 31 12:38:22 CST 2018
>   useFabric runtime in seconds: 3
> Calling useParamiko with timeout 1:
>   STDOUT: Mon Dec 31 12:38:22 CST 2018
>   Timed out
>   useParamiko runtime in seconds: 1
> =================================================
> Test script follows:
> =================================================
> import sys
> import traceback
> import socket
> import time
> from fabric import Connection
> from paramiko.client import SSHClient, AutoAddPolicy
> def useFabric():
>     try:
>         timeout = 1
>         client = Connection(host='', user='chris',
> connect_timeout='10', connect_kwargs={'password': 'changeMe!'})
>         runtimeArgs = {'hide': True, 'env': {'command_timeout' :
> str(timeout)}}
>         print('  {}'.format(runtimeArgs))
>         result = client.run('date; sleep 3; date', **runtimeArgs)
>         print('  result is ok: {}'.format(result.ok))
>         for line in result.stdout.split('\n'):
>             if len(line) > 1:
>                 print('  STDOUT: {}'.format(line))
>         if len(result.stderr) > 1:
>             print('  STDERR: {}'.format(result.stderr))
>     except socket.timeout:
>         print('  Timed out: {}'.format(str(sys.exc_info()[2])))
>     except:
>         stacktrace = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],
> sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2])
>         print('  Exception: {}'.format(stacktrace))
> def useParamiko():
>     try:
>         timeout = 1
>         client = SSHClient()
>         client.load_system_host_keys()
>         client.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy)
>         client.connect('', username='chris',
> password='changeMe!')
>         (stdin, stdout, stderr) = client.exec_command('date; sleep 3;
> date', timeout=timeout)
>         for line in stdout:
>             print('  STDOUT: {}'.format(line))
>         for line in stderr:
>             print('  STDERR: {}'.format(line))
>     except socket.timeout:
>         print('  Timed out')
>     except:
>         stacktrace = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],
> sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2])
>         print('  Exception: {}'.format(stacktrace))
> def caller(func):
>     print('Calling {} with timeout 1:'.format(str(func)))
>     start = time.time()
>     eval(func)()
>     stop = time.time()
>     print('  {} runtime in seconds: {}\n'.format(func, int(stop-start)))
> def main():
>     caller('useFabric')
>     caller('useParamiko')
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     main()
> =================================================
> Lastly, here are my platform versions in case they are needed:
>   Base platform (where I ran the script below):  Windows 10 Pro
>   Python version on the base platform:  Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar
> 21 2017, 18:41:36) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
>   Target platform:  RedHat Linux 7.5
>   Fabric version (from pip):  2.2.1
>   Paramiko version (from pip):  2.4.1
> Thanks!
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Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python engineer
Fab-user mailing list

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