Hi Fabric Community,

I am running in to a problem converting my code from Fabric 1 to 2. I have
a set of scripts that run commands on remote hosts in parallel and as sudo.
I have not been able to find a way to do this in Fabric 2. From what I can
tell, I could use ThreadingGroup to achieve the parallelism I want, and I
can use Connections to achieve the sudo commands I want, but Group is
lacking sudo. I found a user on Stack Overflow with my exact question, but
I don’t think the answer is satisfactory (
If it was that easy, it would have been implemented already, right?

Has anyone else had this problem? What do you recommend? I am currently
heading down the path of the SO answer – adding the sudo code from
Connection to ThreadingGroup. Is there a better way?

Thanks in advance!

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