Hi Jeff + mailing list,

This thread unfortunately did not have a follow up that I can see, so whats up with making Fabric 1.x Py3 compatible?

If I get a statement from you that you're willing to merge PRs that start with py3 compatibility, I'm willing to start working on this, or of course maybe za3k wants to work with this, I'm willing to help him get started (I have ported many older Py2 projects to py3 at my old job).


On 5/27/20 5:50 PM, Jeff Forcier wrote:
Hi all, and thanks for putting this together, Zachary.

Just to chip in with my own context:

- I'd been pondering making this connection myself lately (due to the delays in getting Fabric 2 to parity and now Python 2's official EOL). Hi! - Fabric 1.15 was IIRC a single small feature-add, so if there are no big changes on the fork besides just the Python 3 compatibility, unifying them should still be relatively easy, mechanically speaking. - As stated earlier on the list, my main concern with the Py3 compat is that Fabric 1's test suite doesn't have as high a % coverage as I'd like (one of many impetuses for v2) but at this point I'm guessing fabric3's usage has been widespread enough, for long enough, that any serious bugs have already been found.   - Curious what, if any, you ran into though - Paramiko went through quite a lot of instability in its own Py3 journey... - Re: the fabric3 name on pip - no rush on figuring that out, for multiple reasons.   - At the VERY least we would need to wait til stats show most users of fabric3 had migrated to either post-merge fabric1, or fabric2. Not in a rush to pull the rug out from under anyone.   - I'm hoping that Fabric 3.x, 4.x etc will be non full rewrites and thus there will be no need for in place side by side upgrades - which was the only real reason to even need a 'fabric2' on pypi (and, thus, ever a mainstream 'fabric3')   - By the time we get there I'd mostly be concerned about user confusion (intending to get 'fabric==3.x' but installing 'fabric3' instead) but that is likely a ways off!


On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 6:02 PM <z...@za3k.com <mailto:z...@za3k.com>> wrote:

    Hi / tag Matthias! I've been talking to the fabric mailing list (cc'd)
    and the fabric developer bitprophet (cc'd). The subject is adding
    python3 support to fabric 1.x (even though 2.x is the latest) as
    part of
    making an official package.

    bitprophet, the current state is that this is forked off 1.14.0, only
    one version behind the latest, and I see no feature additions or
    changes. It's been marked DEPRECATED for a year because 2.x added
    python3 support.

    mathiasertl, I'd like to merge your fabric3 work into fabric. No

    Also, bitprophet has mentioned that might be helpful there wasn't a
    pre-existing 'fabric3' pip package out of his control, in case of
    difficulty/confusion with a fabric 3.0 release--I'll leave ya'll to
    that out.

Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python engineer

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