On Dec 11, 2007 8:39 AM, Daniel Ehrenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, no one's tried to port Factor to Symbian OS, though the ARM
> architecture is supported (for WinCE and Linux).

It's been awhile since I've done Symbian programming but I looked at
it a long long long time ago, back when Factor had an interpreter. I
mentioned it on irc so it might be indexed somewhere. This was also
before Symbian/Nokia had their posix C wrapper libraries. Without them
I didn't bother going far as it would require too many changes. Now
that their available I suspect it'll be quite doable.

An approach might be a Symbian app that uses the Factor DLL to run
code. This is how I did a Symbian Ficl port a while back. The Symbian
API is c++ so you might need to do some magic to call Symbian API's.

Symbian DLL's aren't allowed to have global variables, right? Some
refactoring of the factor VM might be needed. Or use one of the
workarounds other libraries have used (compiling as an engine and
using IPC to talk to it, etc).


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