
There's a word called 'flatten' which flattens sequences.

Here's the implementation of 'flatten' from sequences.deep :

: deep-each ( obj quot -- )
    [ call ] 2keep over branch?
    [ [ deep-each ] curry each ] [ 2drop ] if ; inline

: deep-subset ( obj quot -- seq )
    over >r
    pusher >r deep-each r>
    r> dup branch? [ like ] [ drop ] if ; inline

: flatten ( obj -- seq )
    [ branch? not ] deep-subset ;

Here's another version of flatten. One difference is that it uses a 'push' 
with effect ( vec obj -- vec ). It also doesn't maintain the type of the 

: push-or-transfer ( vec obj -- vec )
  dup branch?
    [ transfer ]
    [ push     ]
  if ;

: transfer ( vec seq -- vec ) [ push-or-transfer ] each ;

: flatten ( seq -- seq ) [ length <vector> ] [ ] bi transfer ;


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